Glocal University marked World Environment Day

Glocal University marked World Environment Day with a significant environmental initiative focused on tree plantation and plastic waste collection in Shahpur Garha village on June 05, 2024. This event was orchestrated under the visionary leadership of Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. P.K. Bharti and organized by Dr. Mohd Yusuf and Ms. Swarnima Singh. A variety of indigenous trees were planted in Shahpur Garha village. The aim was to enhance the green cover of the village and contribute to environmental sustainability. Participants included students, faculty members, and local villagers who enthusiastically took part in the plantation activities. A parallel initiative to collect plastic waste was conducted to reduce pollution and promote cleanliness in the village. The local community of Shahpur Garha actively participated in the event, highlighting the collaborative spirit between Glocal University and the surrounding villages. The program was attended by several notable figures including the Director of Administrator, Admin officer, Chief Proctor Mr. Jamirul Islam, Mr. Dhananjay Singh Shyamal, Dr. Yash Pratap, Dr Aateeka and other distinguished faculty members of the University.

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