Online Quiz Competition

Glocal Law School is organizing an Online Quiz on Indian Constitution. The Quiz will be held online from 3pm – 3.30pm on 26 November 2021 in Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) format. There will be 40 questions and the participant will get 30 minutes to answer them between 3pm to 3.30pm only. There is no negative marking for wrong answers. The objective of the quiz is to encourage students towards the knowledge and importance of the Constitution of India in their lives. Many Fundamental Rights along with Duties of citizens are enshrined in the Constitution and this quiz gives an opportunity to students to test their existing knowledge about the Constitution. Needless to state that in any competitive exam for Government Services , the recruiter frames some question on general importance of Constitution, we have tried to make this quiz of a General Nature so that all the students of the University can participate in it.

There is no registration fee also in the quiz and All the students of the Glocal University are encouraged to take part in this quiz. The participant has to only register through this Google Form (before 25Nov, 11.59PM) and then join a

Whatsapp group whereby s/he will get an update regarding the Quiz Competition Link. The staff of the University is also encouraged to participate. Top 3 Students will be rewarded with prizes and the next 10 students will be given Certificate of Appreciation. We will try to provide Participation Certificates to all the registered participants.

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